This film premiered at the Carrboro Film Festival and screened at the Shelby Film Festival in 2014.
I assisted the Director of Photography and did some set design, art direction and still photography.
I created all the branding, posters and film festival materials.
This short movie is a part self-help, part psychodrama and is a work of fiction written by a talented published author, Brian Harvell. Although mature in nature and a bit violent at times, the twists and turns make for a interesting plot.
Cast: Larry Evans, Brian Harvell, Sandra Shelton, Cyn Macgregor, Kristen Ehlert, Scott Enroughty, Aaron Young, Hilary Edwards, Candance Pryor, Diane Monson, Izzy Burger, Jeff Nugent.
Dr. Parnell's patients are lucky indeed. He has found a new therapy that works wonders for them--part chairwork, part primal therapy, part psychodrama. Pain brings release. Sometimes all you need to ease the trauma, depression, guilt, anxiety of your lives is to dump it all onto someone else.
Director: Larry Evans
Assistant Director: Cyn Macgregor
Writer: Brian Harvell
Screenplay: Brian Harvell
Editor: Larry Evans
Cinematography: Darren Ley
Producers: Larry Evans & Cyn Macgregor
Art Director: Cyn Macgregor
Still Photography: Cyn Macgregor